Well, its been a while since i've typed last. 5th grade is a blast! Ms. Stanger is awesome. We do this ice cream/pizza/golf course thing, where when we be good we move a golf cart to a space in a hole. And if we get 9 holes we get a ice cream party, 18 holes we get a pizza party. Anyway, bethany and I got put in the same class again!! we are so excited. so thats all I have to say about 5th grade, bye.
I am 13 years old. My favorite colors are green and zebra. My favorite food is Hawaiian Haystacks. I LOVE going geocaching with family and friends. A few, of the many, of my best friends are Bethany, Kirsten, Jennica and Kayley. I love all my friends so much and I am grateful for all they do for me. I am in 7th grade and I love it so far. I am really into playing the violin, piano and dancing this year. I also love going to the Temple with friends and family to do Baptisms for the dead.